How to setup BabelJS to use ES6 on your NodeJS app
Setting up ES6 on your NodeJS app has never been easier! Back then, it was so intimidating because there were so many steps and Babel modules. But now as of 2020, you just need 4 Babel modules!
Setting up ES6 on your NodeJS app has never been easier! Back then, it was so intimidating because there were so many steps and Babel modules. But now as of 2020, you just need 4 Babel modules!
Make a ReactJS Router component to make an SPA and give a multi-page feel. ReactJS is a not-so-opinionated framework, so anyone can freely create the best solution for them.
The Modal will look and work like a Bootsrap Modal. But instead of using jQuery, VueJS 2.0 is used. The picture below shows the end result. Make a Vue 2.0 project using the Vue-CLI This tutorial is using Run-time only. Don’t forget to npm install the modules and then npm run dev. Install Bootstrap 3…
Learn how to make a simple SPA using Angular 2. Just make two pages. Then, know how to use Angular 2 Router to make links for navigation and redirection.
Sub pages appear in many websites. This article will show how easy it is to make sub pages and navigate to and from them using Vue-Rotuer 2.0.
In this example, we’ll be making a basic navigation menu. There will only be two pages for simplicity. This example continues from the previous topic.
VueJS is an awesome framework. It has two-way data binding and it’s easy to get started. The best part is its capability to be a SPA. We can make a SPA using Vue’s Vue-Router plugin. In this example, we’ll: Start a new VueJS 2.0 project.
Make an AngularJS directive to remotely validate an email field in a form. This example can also be applied to remotely validate any field in a form.
I’ve recently been dabbling on Node.js and it’s been a really awesome server platform. So naturally, I've needed to use Express.js for scripting. This also means that I’ve been dealing with parameters and query strings. They’re very important if you’re a server-side developer no matter which scripting language you use. They help accomplish many things like web service API’s. Although these are common and straightforward for server-side development, I’d like to share my understanding of them.
For mobile, Ionic has got you covered with its Ion-List. But currently (version 1.3.8
), a CollectionView in Ionic, that should look and work like iOS' UICollectionView, has not been implemented. But there's a simple workaround. It (mostly) depends on the CSS.