Chimera: SIS and FLS

Both Chimera: SIS and Chimera FLS are legacy apps. They were created for the Windows Mobile 5 platform and PDA devices. At the time that I inherited these legacy apps, Windows Mobile 5 was not supported by Microsoft anymore. The Chimera:SIS was replaced by Chimera:FLS and eventually by Chimera:FEq. Both apps have a lot of similarities except for their data structure.

Chimera SIS pda windows app

My duties were to maintain the app, add more features and fixed bugs. But most of the time, it was to fixed bugs.

Chimera: SIS

Chimera SIS pda windows app

Chimera SIS pda windows app

Chimera SIS pda windows app

Chimera SIS pda windows app

Chimera: FHI

Chimera SIS pda windows app

§This app was created for the Risk Management & Safety Department of UNLV, under the supervision of Robert Deaver. All copyrights and ownership are of UNLV’s.

±The pictures are taken as screenshots from PDA devices.